Arbor Plant Health Care

How will my trees and shrubs benefit from Plant Health Care?


The most common reason a tree owner calls an arborist is concern that something is wrong with a tree. Ornamental trees and shrubs can quickly succumb to problems.  Sometimes the cause of concern is a minor problem that is easily explained and corrected. Other times the problem is more complex—with several underlying causes and a remedy that requires treatments extending over several years. 

Situations such as these led arborists to create Plant Health Care (PHC) programs. The objective of PHC is to maintain or improve the landscape’s appearance, vitality and—in the case of trees—safety, using the most cost-effective and environmentally sensitive practices and treatments available.

We at Arbor Plant Health Care try our best to promote the proactive care of shrubs and trees with routine monitoring and timely treatments. This can protect your landscape investment and reduce expenses. 

Why not tree health care?

While trees are dominant ornamental features in your home landscape, they share this area with turfgrasses, shrubs, and bedding plants.  The roots of trees, shrubs, turfgrass, and bedding plants intermingle and compete for water and nutrients. Every treatment applied to the lawn  can impact the appearance and vitality of a tree. Similarly, treatments applied to a tree, can influence the appearance and vitality of the underlying turfgrass. The care of each plant in a landscape can affect the health of every plant in that landscape.

What Does a Tree and Shrub PHC Program Cover?

Plant Health Care involves monitoring tree and shrub health. This step allows problems to be detected and managed before they become serious. The monitoring frequency and complexity of your PHC program depend on the size and diversity of your landscape as well as your particular landscape goals. If problems or potential problems are detected or anticipated during a monitoring visit, our arborists will find and develop solutions alongside your input. Our PHC programs include written recommendations after a period of monitoring and consultation with the homeowner. Plant Health Care is a program tailored to the needs of the client and his or her trees and shrubs. Individualized programs and flexibility are at the heart of PHC. You will find that our arborists  at Arbor Plant Health Care can design a Plant Health Care program that fits your goals and budget.

Our ISA Certified Arborists and Tree Workers can help with any of your plant health care needs. Call us today!